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photo by Donald Kinney
Normally I shoot my ripples and reflections out at the Lagunitas Creek near the confluence of Devil's Creek, but these ripples are from the dammed waters of Alpine Lake, one of the major sources of the mighty Lagunitas Creek.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Ferns love shade, but I suppose they equally enjoy a little bit of the full morning sun.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Leaves, busy at work gathering sunlight doing all those processes we learned about in science class -- but still not too busy to make an improvised shadow-play out of the event.
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photo by Donald Kinney
And while a lot of the other wildflowers have since died back and gone to seed, these "red things" are definitely in their prime. They remind me slightly of Fuchsias -- maybe someone knows their name.
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photo by Donald Kinney
This bough is Redwood but the hillside beyond is mostly Firs, Laurels, Pines, and Madrones.
What I think must be the steepest trail on Mount Tamalpais will get a persevering hiker to that low spot on the ridge. It follows Cataract Creek (((I often call it Cardiac Creek because it kills me everytime))) all the way to it's source at Rock Springs.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
i haven't been here in awhile...and look at all I've misssed.
Absolutely love your 'reflections' images. Terrific!!!
That first photo is a definite prize winner. The shadings are terrific. Don't know what the flowers are but the sure are pretty. I agree they look like fushias.
Take it easy on Cardiac Creek. We still need more pictures from you...
HI MARCIE -- Glad you could stop by again -- I'm out here every day at about 5AM doing this foolishness -- sure wish I could get more people to visit, but I know everybody is busy.
AND HI PHOTOWANNABE SUE -- Yep, I'll take it easy on the Cardiac Trail, but I need all the exercise I can get.
The "red things" are called red columbine and they are actually edible flowers.
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