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photo by Donald Kinney
Oh, we had such great fun yesterday -- the San Francisco Caliber Group held it's first official photo-walk and I tagged along with about 35 other photographers as we made a riotous procession from the Cable Car Turnaround all the way up to roughly Fulton and Divisidero.
She was so dolled-up as a beauty from the 1940's that I didn't recognize her at first, but this is the most wonderful Julie Michelle, one of the four key members of the Caliber Group.
Julie is one very talented woman and recently not only had a successful show at Tedda Hughes, a botique and gallery on Polk Street, but also got a wonderful write-up in the Chronicle regarding her I Live Here: S.F. project. I've already predicted that Julie will turn out to be the next Annie Leibowitz.
Julie has a real talent for photographing people, and my current theory is that her success is due to the fact that she is just so much fun to be around. She can definitely bring out the best in people.
You can explore Julie Michelle in at least three different ways;
First, her blog at
Second, her I Live Here: S.F. project where her subjects write something about why and how they came to live in San Francisco.
And third, her great website at
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photo by Donald Kinney
The clicking sounds from our intensive snapping was deafening. This is Eric... UPDATE: ...who's highly intelligent blog is at
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photo by Donald Kinney
There were so many new names to remember -- forgive me but I've forgotten this fellow's name. UPDATE: Just got his comment and this fine fellow's name is Ken. His Flickr address is:
check him out -- he's very good!
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photo by Donald Kinney
I shot this gentleman as he was playing a game of chess -- on Market Street there is a long row of tables set up for that purpose. I think his face has a lot of character. I have a few scars of my own from continually falling off my bicycle as a kid, and if I knew this gentleman well enough to ask, I'm sure I would be spellbound finding out how he got that wicked scar across his cheek.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Beautiful but homeless... This lady was also playing chess.
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photo by Donald Kinney
And then I heard a "what about me?". I gave an obliging snap. Thank you very much.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Hey! I made the cover! ;-)
Donald, you're a gem. Thank you so much for joining us and I hope we'll do this soon and see you. I still owe you a strawberry malted, right?
Great character shots Don. I'm jealous, that group would have been fun to tag along with.
Thought maybe we'd see a picture of you in the mix...
Hi Don, the comment before this one is me, photowannabe (Sue). I guess when I used my gmail account for something I forgot to signout. Things got a bit mixed up. Sorry about that. (:0)
thanks for coming out yesterday, Don! wish i could have chatted with you a bit more, there were just so many new ppl to meet!
i hope youll join us next time for some night shooting.
and of course, we are wondering when you will be giving the caliber group our tour of marin county?
cool portraits - it must've been fun being in such a large group walking around town!
Hey Don!
Great meeting you yesterday! Let's do it again...
Hi Don! I'm the un-named photog in the 2nd pic- Ken (aka bingolio on flickr)- thanks for the shot; I rarely like pics of me but I love this one! Thanks again to everyone foe a fun day :)
It was a blast getting to meet everyone yesterday. Thanks for posting my picture up at the top -- I hope you didn't scare anyone away with it!
a nice serie of portraits here !!!
Well, it's finally my turn to post some thoughts here ...
After years of communication with Don (via email), I feel like we know each other inside out. We pretty much share whatever is on our minds (or what's left of them anyway). It all started when I saw some of his work online and sent off an email. Some of his work closely matched how I thought. We've had the opportunity to photograph together a handful of times, and help each other grow professionally.
California is my love. I guess that I get my "California fix" vicariously though Don, since my life keeps me here in Ohio. While Ohio is an easy place to live (other than cold winters), I wouldn't wish it on any of you.
I've had the fortune of visiting San Francisco at least 20 times. Big Sur is a destination on each and every visit .... along with areas north and south of the bay. I've photographed in Yosemite several times, as well as Death Valley .... and will continue to do so until I can't walk any longer.
I'm totally open to dialog, so feel free to send me your thoughts at:
I'll post my url once my website it revamped.
Oh WOW -- This last comment was from my good friend Jan Bell -- I've been trying to get him to leave a comment for ages, and he finally did...
Jan has taught me a whole lot about photography -- I've named him as my "mentor"... Jan has an incredible eye and he is an absolute master of the camera and Photoshop! -- and his photos sell! He does the art-show and art-fair thing in the midwest... I'll definitely be showing off his work once his new website is ready to go... A finer friend a guy couldn't have! (((with the possible exception of a lady)))
Thanks again, Jan, for checking in!
I think I know why I'm lousy at people pictures! The homeless woman is gorgeous.
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