click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Well, if you were in Fairfax and wanted to get over to Bolinas on the coast, you would take a scenic little two lane road named the Fairfax-To-Bolinas Road. Generally, in Bolinas the road is called Bolinas-To-Fairfax Road.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
This is the appropriately named "Ridgecrest Boulevard" where a lot of car commercials have been filmed over the years. There's probably a good chance that you saw Lance Armstrong chugging up this road in an advertisement for the Postal Service and the Olympic Bicycling Team.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
And back to my little foggy grove of Redwoods. All of this within about five miles of where Kitty and I live.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Redwoods; and I would have liked to pose a pretty red-head next to one of those redwoods, but I'm going to have to use my red car as a stand-in. You'll just have to use your imagination...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Pictures worked fine for me. I do like the larger ones. Love the road pics. its amazing how something so simple can be so picturesque.
Wow!!! Right on!! I sure like the large banner! :)
Remodeling are we?!! I should do the same, have been threatening to overhaul the blog for ages.
I like what I see, well done! The only thing I would change it the white background. I kind of like the background you had on before, a soft grey pastel, I believe? Makes the photos stand out. The white background is bright. .02 though ;)
One comment all by itself for the beautiful sexy thing in the picture (I mean the car, of course! ;)
THANKS PHOTOWANNABE -- I know you like your photos large, so I was hoping these larger sizes would be a step in the right direction...
AND THANKS TOMATE FARCIE -- Good suggestion about the white -- I toned it down from #ffffff to #ececec... I think it looks much better -- I did have a two-tone job kind of thing...
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