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photo by Donald Kinney
I heard one of these boys in the distance saying; "Wait until he finishes taking his pictures", so I knew something was up. And then it was revealed -- they were there to ride Blackie. It was quite a struggle climbing on -- a bicycle makes a (fairly poor) ladder.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Blackie lived to the ripe old age of 40, which I understand is unusual for a horse. And Blackie was a proud and accomplished horse -- in his youth he had served as a cavalry horse at the Presidio in San Francisco.
You can read more about Blackie at:
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photo by Donald Kinney
I don't think the owner of this house would have appreciated me ringing the bell, but if I was granted two questions I would ask the owner, (1) how much money they have, and (2) where they got it.
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
Oh, maybe I'd ask a third question -- "if they were happy"...
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photo by Donald Kinney
And about this point the police would have been arriving -- but if I had been able to ask just one more question it would be; "What time is lunch"
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Blackie is a child's paradise. I totally laugh at your questions to the house owner. I dare you!
HI THERE LOUISE -- Wow, you sure are quick! I was finishing up the text and saw that you had already left a message... 4:50AM here on the west-coast -- bet it is early where you live too...
And Louise, I didn't leave you a comment yesterday but wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your Father's Day piece...
Climbing on a bike to do that is an accident, a lawsuit, waiting to happen. Went to the website and a great story.
I called the folks in the pictures. A lawyer and the warrant is coming today. Great pictures, by the way.
Yep, your observation about a lawsuit about to happen is right on the money -- that same thought crossed my mind, especially when I saw a mother sit her young child up there -- oh, she was hanging on to the child, but it's still a long way to the hard ground...
Are they happy? I have an opinion about that... On the other hand, I'm not sure poor people are particularly happy either.
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