July 31, 2007

from Washington Square

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

CLICK to visit my photographic Daily-Duo...
CLICK to visit KittyBLOG -- the daily doings of my cat...

Your comments are invited and welcome...


photowannabe said...

Nice detail work Don. I like all the columns and spires.
Thanks for your comments on my site. It seems Moms always have a special place in their hearts for their sons. Love is very forgiving...

photowannabe said...

I don't know what happened to my comment I left this morning. I'll try again. I like the spires and columns and the way you capture the detail.

AphotoAday said...

Hi Photowannabe Sue,
Yep, Blogger seems to "have a mind of it's own" -- I've noticed that some postings and comments occasionally go into "limbo"... Ah, technology...

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