July 24, 2014

fog on Mount Tamalpais -- nothing out of the ordinary

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The TV weatherperson gave me the impression that Monday morning would be obscured by solid cloud cover, so I slept-in all the way to 6AM.  Well, I woke to puffy clouds and I could only imagine what I had just missed out on. The rest of the day I chased clouds--to one degree of success or another.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

On Wednesday I also got out a little bit late but didn't have to go far.
Our Sleeping Lady was gracefully peeling back her cover of fog.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

With my fingers crossed I climbed higher on the mountain in search of fog.
I found some in trees at the drippy north end of Ridgecrest Boulevard.

Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 2       
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 1       


Anonymous said...

Really like the bottom shot. So what time are you usually up, out the front door, and then on location? I need to change my operating procedures.

AphotoAday said...

Hi JOHN (SINBAD'S DAD) -- Depends a on the time of year but right now I like to get going by 5AM, and a bit earlier would be even better. But don't use me as a role model--I probably have a few-loose-screws, and I've been told that the cheese-is-slipping-off-my-cracker. That said, I had a fine time this morning standing in foggy darkness for at least an hour up at Big Rock waiting for the fog to lift and the sun to rise.

Nancy Ewart said...

These are so beautiful. Who cares if some ill informed person told you that you have "a few screws loose." They were wrong; you create nothing but beauty.

AphotoAday said...

Thanks, Nancy! I'm a lucky guy…

cath carbone said...

Magnifiques paysages !

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