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photo by Donald Kinney
On Tuesday the sun came out for a brief time during the afternoon, so there was no doubt about my destination -- Roy's Redwoods isn't far from here.
It only happens once a year, but when it does it is spectacular! Streams, that normally just look like scars the rest of the year come alive, and really folks -- it is quite beautiful...

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photo by Donald Kinney
Got to tell you, folks -- I don't claim to be Ansel Adams, but I sure felt like he must have felt standing in front of majestic beauty like this!

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photo by Donald Kinney
If you haven't checked out my Roy's Redwoods photos on what I call my big site and would like to do so, then please CLICK HERE.
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Truly gorgeous. The power of the rushing water is magnificient. Breathtaking redwoods.
I find your photos ten times more interesting than those of Ansel Adams, to tell you the truth. For one thing, you're not afraid of color. For another, your pictures are pulsing with life while Ansel's feel like they've been embalmed somehow.
AND THANKS SF MIKE -- That has to be the greatest compliment I've ever gotten... The check will be in the mail...
Well, I'm the photo buddy from Ohio ..... far, far from beautiful California. I envy those of you who live amongst such serene beauty.
Don is the only photographer I know who is out shooting each and every day. His love of photography is a passion .... a passion that he will do until the day he dies. He inspires me (and kicks my butt). Hopefully in my retirement, I will shoot a quarter of what he does (which means I have to get to California more often).
While I would remove the brownish tint from the flowing water, Don can decide what HE wants to do with the photo. After all, it is his work. I only offer suggestions. His work closely documents what he sees in nature.
I owe the look of my new website to Don. He spent countless hours on it. The look of the menus are his masterpiece, as well as other minor changes here and there. I am indebted to him!
Haven't yet visited the redwood trees. Seeing that I lived in MV for a while, it's almost unforgiveable... Great shots as usual.
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