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photo by Donald Kinney
I visit often, and there is rarely a visit when I am not inspired to shoot this roofline and smokestack design. This time, using Photoshop I removed the color in the original and "posterized" it, limiting the number of gray shades.
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photo by Donald Kinney
It's an undisputed fact -- barnacles and other encrustations that glom on to your bottom-side WILL slow down your boat, dingy, surfboard, or battleship.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Well, I should have known I wouldn't find any reviews on "Yelp" about the China Camp Cafe, so you are stuck with MY review -- even though it was 40 years or so since I was last inside the joint. Not much has changed inside so I've been told. Old Frank opens the place for a few hours on weekends.
We arrived hungry -- Jim, Laura, me; and it was quickly decided that we'd give the local shrimp a try; "Three shrimp cocktails, please, Mr. Quan", we probably said... "Sure, right away", a 40 year younger Frank probably said.
Well, we got our shrimp cocktails alright -- they were still in their little fancy jars -- oh you know, the ones you buy at the supermarket. It was a HUGE disappointment. We grumbled to the bottom of our fancy jars -- making complaints with every plastic fork-ful about there being more tomato-sauce than shrimp.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Twenty or thirty years ago the China Camp was turned into a State Park, but in a stroke of wisdom the park service is keeping the area pretty much as it was.
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photo by Donald Kinney
The tide comes in, and it goes out... And sometimes it goes WAY out... This is about as FAR OUT as it goes...
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Your comments are invited and welcome.
Haha; I love your review, although, the place sounds like a bit of a disappointment :(
really good photographs, i love the way you capture the feel of the sea life, where sea life meets land life.
I've always like everything about the seaside. The Calfifornia coast is so different than the Maine coast ... and yet still different than the shores of Lake Superior. But they all have one thing in common .... water. Sand and rock too, and fishing. All work for photography!
Jan Bell
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