November 04, 2008

Fairfax Theater -- it's Show Your World Tuesday !

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Whoopie !   It's Tuesday -- welcome to  Show Your World !

That's the Fairfax Theater -- still surviving as get-in-line movie theater in these days of rent-um or download-um...

Fairfax, the Town, isn't very big -- but it's loaded with bars (as I mentioned the day before yesterday), cool places to snag a cup of exotic coffee, hip botiques with hip names like Culture Shock, and a store that sells everything made out of hemp.   There is a manufacturer of tofu, and a health-food store that beats-the-pants-off of Safeway...   There's more than enough places to find a used book, or surfboard, or frock from the forties for you and your baby...

Let me narrow it down a bit.   This is a map of where I live...

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Ivar Østtun said...

Great post. I appreciate the map. Thank you :-)

Ingrid said...

Loaded with bars, lol ! Hic !

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you clarified the geography - there's a Fairfax in Virginia that I know well, but the description didn't quite fit. :) Thanks for sharing another Fairfax! Do you think 20 years from now kids will believe us when we tell them we used to GO to the movies?

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Don: Looks like a neat area of the country to visit.

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...


Anonymous said...

Gotta wonder if those theaters will go the way of drive-ins anytime soon... great shot!

Anonymous said...

Interesting - looks completely unreal - like a drawing... Pretty neat!
Cheers, Klaus

Rune Eide said...

When I first looked at the map I found Inverness - which I have visited in - Scotland?

Then I looked again. Original!

Louise said...

Hard to believe a theater like that still survives. I'll bet it is way more interesting inside than most.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very interesting place to visit... specially when one is thirsty.... *giggles* said...

I love old movie theatres.

photowannabe said...

Love your town tucked into the shadow of Mt. Tam. Its like time has come to a standstill.

Pernille said...

A very orginal post. Well done.

dot said...

Sounds like a nice place to me. I love going to the movies.

Unknown said...

A great original post and love the map

abb said...

Never would have known about your town without this! Glad to know small town America still exists....even a small town that makes tofu. Try to find that in the Midwest!

Thanks for your visit...know our paths have crossed before - hope they continue to!

chrome3d said...

Fairfax looks so graphical and funny. A remnant from another age. Now I get this blog, that you have today´s photo as a banner a day before. It took a while, slow as I am.

Rambling Woods said... said that you have a friend who lives in downtown Buffalo. My husband and I are both retired city of Buffalo teachers.

Tomate Farcie said...

I love movie theaters.
I love movies but I couldn't afford going to all the movies I want to see, and besides they don't stay that long in the theaters now.
I wonder if the Petaluma drive-in is still in business (it was on the right side of 101 going North)?

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