November 11, 2008

across S.F. Bay -- it's Show Your World Tuesday

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Whoopie !   It's Tuesday -- welcome to  Show Your World !

Yes, those are the skyscrapers of San Francisco in the blurry distance...
This is Richardson Bay, with Sausalito on the right and Belvedere and Tiburon to the left...

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Your comments are invited and welcome.


Cathy said...

What a great picture. I love the perspective.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Don: Beautiful capture of the bay, is this where you live? We want to know more about your area.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Another beautiful photo from your part of the world. You always make it look so gorgeous

Jane Hards Photography said...

Another beautiful photo from your part of the world. You always make it look so gorgeous said...

this is a great photo of the city &!

Arija said...

Love the grand handfulls of diamonds strewn across the water.

Ingrid said...

It's such a beautiful picture ! I was in San Francisco but of course didn't have such a view !

Texas Travelers said...

Your world is always filled with beauty and color. It's always a refreshing visit here to look at the great photos.

That top photo is ?????????
I don't have a word.
I look forward to the description.


??? said...

That's an amazing picture, the light on the water is great.
Your header is...something different, btw. I like that :)

Louise said...

The skyline is so distant that I'm not sure I would have figured out what it was without your commentary. I love the look of it. It's sort of magical.

I really hope the header photo gets some commentary tomorrow!

antigoni said...

Very good post! Excellent photo.

dot said...

That picture is just plain out gorgeous! I like everything about it...the view of the city, the plants in the front, the gleam on the water.

Unknown said...

Lovely capture, Don!

Anonymous said...

I have the same view but on a different side, isn't it always great to look out and see this?

Anonymous said...

I have the same view but on a different side, isn't it always great to look out and see this?

photowannabe said...

Looks likeOz's Emerald City in the distance.
Beautifully framed shot Don.

Sylvia K said...

Incredibly beautiful, mystical shot! Almost looks other worldly. Thank you so much for sharing your world!

Shannon said...


chrome3d said...

Shining in unreal magical way.

Anonymous said...

Seems to come out of a Fantasy story, magical, special, wow. the golden water is very inspiring too.

Tash said...

Not to shaby to live in your part of the world! Gorgeous, I mean, GORGEOUS photo.

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