August 15, 2011

Lorquin's Admiral and a moth

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

While I was shooting this butterfly I was thinking that I might have to contact my bug-expert buddy, Marvin, but I did a bit of searching and found this is a Lorquin's Admiral.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

I didn't discover this image until this morning when I was searching for more photos to go with the first, which is blurred probably a bit more than it should be.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

And lets get up close and personal. That new Canon 70-200 f-2.8 "L" II I.S. lens, plus some cropping really zoomed in on this Lorquin's Admiral.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Didn't have the time to try to find this moth's official name. Maybe I'll give the "Bug Guide" another look later. (how's that for layed-back journalism?)

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Anonymous said...

That new lens is working for you. Great capture of the incoming bee and butterfly together. My bee photo post today is a result of my new 105 micro (Nikon term) lens. This lens makes me look to be a much better picture taker than I really am. Thank you Technology.

Scott Law said...

I've been away for a couple weeks, but I'm glad for the chance to get back and try to catch up. I see you're keeping busy on your blog.

Love the detail on these moths as well as the gorgeous skies over your favorite mountain.

photowannabe said...

Your laid back journalism works for me.
Terrific shot of the butterfly and bumblebee.
Seems that lens is doing wonders for you.

Hooly said...

Love the admiral and bee; two-fers are always my favorite!

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