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photo by Donald Kinney
It was a great and wonderful 12 years that Kitty and I were together, but I knew her from the day my upstairs neighbors brought her home from the animal shelter as a kitten. About four years later my neighbors moved on and couldn't take Kitty with them, so I was delighted that Kitty could come live with me in my humble abode.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
And what fun we had! Kitty's favorite toy was just a wadded-up piece of paper, but one Christmas I remember giving her a knotted-up shoelace which she thought was the best fun ever.
And Kitty was a bit of a "foodie" -- she was the cat that absolutely adored a little piece of raw corn-on-the-cob. Okay, maybe I shouldn't tell you about the occasional bird or lizard with which she supplemented her diet. Yum.
Read all about Kitty's love of corn here.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
A little over four weeks ago Kitty disappeared. She had been slowing down a bit, but still was happy and seemed healthy.
So, with the neighborhood alerted, Kitty's remains were found on a steep hillside about 75 yards to the west. It had been three weeks so the Turkey Hawks and Coyotes had pretty much cleaned up after her, but I was able to gather the remaining parts of her to bury out by our fig tree. And there she will remain forever, in my heart...
CLICK for what I call my BIG site.
That was nice. Thank you for sharing Kitty's life.
Aww, farewell Kitty the blog animal.
My condoleances dear Donald :((
In my country it is said that cats and dogs disappear when they feel they will die ... They disappear because they do not want to make their owners sad ... They are adorable creatures ...
Thanks SINBAD'S DAD, JANICE, AND MUGE for your kind thoughts. While doing the post early this morning Kitty's loss hit me HARD again -- but I've been doing well. "Smokey" the cat has been coming around and today she finally let me pet her. I'll have to enjoy the neighbor's cat for a while. Thanks again, all.
Dear Donald: Very glad you found Kitty's remains just you so you could actually say goodbye. And another cat companion will eventually find you. They are a bit uncanny that way.
Thanks for sharing beautiful photos of Kitty and letting us know what happened to her.
I truly am sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
Sorry, my friend. My little friend looks almost exactly like your Kitty, but Calico Persian. I'm an old gun totin', right wing, retired soldier. She causes me as much worry as one of my children. (Her sister, too. I wouldn't let them be separated.) Most people who find trouble are looking for it. These two just nap, eat, and scout. They never lie, they never cause trouble. They just come home to the old man every night. I hope they last longer than I do.
Again, My Sympathies.
Awww.... that's terrible. At least there is closure now and you know for sure. Sorry for your loss, Don.
I'm glad that you were able to find Kitty's remains and put her to rest. I have enjoyed reading her adventures as much as you enjoyed writing about them and living with Kitty. She had the best life a cat could have and while I know that you will grieve, I hope that another "kitty" will come into your life and bring you joy.
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