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photo by Donald Kinney
Normally, I would moan and complain about that contrail streaking across the sky. But it brought back Army memories (I was drafted in 1969) and I was trained at knocking enemy jets from the sky with heat-seeking missiles.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Thinking about it now, enemy jets might have been able to hide their heat-signatures by flying low in thick clouds or heavy fog. I would have been a sitting duck. My missiles may not have been able to lock-on to the target.
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photo by Donald Kinney
Best to be a peaceful person... If called to serve, resist. War is very ugly business. Personally I don't believe a WORD our government feeds us. The military-industrial complex is the true enemy. We've been fed a pack of lies!
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Such beautiful, serene images - just what I needed today after the emotional service for my friend. The older I get, the less I believe any "offical" organization. Even Eisenhower knew that the militrary-industrail complex was our enemy. I vaguely remember reading a sci fi novel about a future where we were telepaths and lived in a genuinely cooperative society. I read this as a teenager and it's stuck with me as a model of what a just society could be, instead of what we have.
NANCY -- Birds, as in that last image, as well as many other species seem to have figured out how to live cooperatively, a model which we would do well to emulate. But no, humans (including me) are greedy and selfish, and doomed. BOOM, goes the atomic bomb. Nice work Mr. Teller.
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