November 02, 2011

Lighthouse at Pigeon Point

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

When I was younger I used to drive down Highway1 to visit my parents who lived on the Monterey Peninsula, and the lighthouse at Pigeon Point marked, roughly, the half-way point between our abodes. And even before I moved to Marin County, when I was a kid, our family would frequently pass by Pigeon Point Lighthouse on our way up to this area to visit relatives. I've known Pigeon Point Lighthouse a long, long time. I am very, very old. "Creak", "moan", "groan"...

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The most difficult part of this photo was getting my tired old bones in the car at 3AM. But somehow, by 5AM I was at the base of Pigeon Point Lighthouse setting up my tripod, old Mr. Stickey, who has a few complaints of his own...

Data on top photo:   2.5sec, f2.8, ISO-6400, 70mm, cropped slightly.
Data on lower photo:   1.6sec, f2.8, ISO-6400, 70mm, not cropped.

Looks like I struck it rich in the "wow" department with the top photo. But I've got to go back and try again--always some room for improvement. I'm using what seems to be too high of an ISO (6400), but I think need a short exposure time so as to avoid just a blur of the sweeping light. Trial and error will eventually produce a less noisy image, and that should make possible a good print.

CLICK for the very "best" of my work on my photo website.


Anonymous said...

I give you an extra "wow" for being able to get up at 3am! Such discipline!

Tomate Farcie said...

Well, now that you mention it, there are all these clearly noticeable imperfections .... ;)

Just kidding. I had no idea it wasn't a perfect shot. Even with the explanation, it's still a WOW shot to me!

Bob said...

Wow, these are cool. I've never seen the non-fresnel lights here - didn't know they'd make such a great subject. And I like how you chose to do close-up shots.

P.S. Nice to see I can leave comments here again. For awhile it was broken for me.

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