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photo by Donald Kinney
Oh, I can't think of a more romantic spot in San Francisco than the top of Mount Davidson -- oh, you know, that tall hill with the huge cross on top. Well lets see, Kitty, where is your leash? Lets go make-out...
I've always wanted to go up there -- even as a small child I can remember seeing the cross from way down on Sloat Avenue and wondering just how big it was. It's big, alright!
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photo by Donald Kinney
The Mt. Davidson Cross was designed and built by George Kelman and inagurated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1934. In 1997, after a long and bitter controversy regarding the separation of church and state, the Citizens of San Francisco voted to approve the sale of the monument to the Council of Armenian-American Organizations of Northern California, to preserve it as a historic landmark.
This revered site is cared for in memory of the 1,500,000 victims of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Turkish government from 1915 to 1923. Over half the Armenain population on its ancient homeland was killed, and no Armenian community remained in historical western Armenia.
"By honoring those lost, we honor all victims of injustice and cruelty. In their name we dedicate ourselves to the protection of human rights and the dignity of all peoples".
If evil of this magnitude can be ignored,
if our own children forget,
then we deserve oblivion
and earn the world's scorn.
--Avedis Aharonian (writer and educator, 1866 - 1948)
click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
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wait. were you there on Saturday for the City Walk?
we were.
Hey Plug1, nope I was there walking on my own, but I did encounter the City Walk people and I got to overhear a small bit of her talk.
--So, this morning I intended to visit the Asian Museum for the first time (I know photography isn't permitted in the special exhibits -- I think they have Afghanastan on didplay now) but imagine my disappointment when I discovered they were not only closed on Mondays, but major holidays like today, as well...
Oh well, I had a fine time shooting in Chinatown before I went over to the Civic Center, and got a couple shots in the Civic Center area as well... I guess Sunday is the best day to visit the Asian Museum -- parking in the City is a real bitch sometimes...
Dear Donald: Get hold of me next time you're thinking of going to the Asian Art Museum. I've got a membership and can get you in for free. Photography is lots of fun there with more Buddhas than you can shake a stick at.
Well I again learned something new from you. I never knew the history of Mt. Davidson and lived in the area for so many years. Thanks and great pictures as usual.
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