October 09, 2014

two views from Mount Tamalpais

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Friday brought an image that begged loudly for a black and white.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Jury is still out, but another scene squawked for color late Monday.

NEWEST EDITION - Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 3
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 2
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 1


Anonymous said...

I agree 100% on the B&W. The jury needs to deliberated longer on the next image.

AphotoAday said...

Yeah JOHN (SINBAD'S DAD) -- I axed the second image (the one you saw) and replaced it with a less troublesome image. Those are little fishing boats in the foreground.

under construction