October 16, 2014

Point Bonita -- an early morning visit

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

When I tell people I am an early riser--and I'm talking about really early--they probably think I am daft.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Not that I wouldn't like to sleep in like a normal person--and occasionally I do--but very early is a most excellent time of day. I appreciate the stillness and quietness. And the light at dawn is incredible--a photographer's delight.

NEWEST EDITION - Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 3
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 2
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 1


Anonymous said...

Perhaps I need to take a cue from Professor Donald and quit fighting it. Just get up and get on with the day even when it is still dark outside.

AphotoAday said...

Well, JOHN (SINBAD'S DAD), I'll tell you… This morning I slept in until about 6, which would have been fine (this time of year), except I spent an hour messing with the blog, Facebook, and conversing with the neighbor's cat, so by the time I actually got outside I realized I had just missed an incredible sunrise. Oh, I was able to capture the tail end of the light-show but I'm going to spend the rest of the day cussing at myself for not being more diligent.

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