September 23, 2014

along Fairfax to Bolinas Road

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Sometimes I feel like the luckiest fellow on earth. Lets face it--who deserves to live amidst such splendor? Who deserves to be alive at all? Yet, all I have to do is hop on over to the other side of town and gaze up at our beloved mountain--the centerpiece of our fabulous Marin County--and call it home.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Hollywood likes to visit Marin County. This past year we have had an endless stream of films being shot here. And if you watch any amount of television you've probably seen Mount Tamalpais and her two dramatic roads; Ridgecrest Boulevard and Fairfax-to-Bolinas Road being used as a backdrop for countless automobile commercials.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

This last photo at Lily Lake is not new--taken in January 2009. I probably don't need to re-invent the wheel so here is what I wrote on the blog then:
I was going to save this for Valentine's Day, but here you go...

If you ever were to do some exploring on the Bolinas-to-Fairfax Road on the northern flank of Mount Tamalpais here in Marin County, you would find--amongst redwoods, fir, laurel, and madrone -- a little land-locked lake with no outlet until it overflows during Winter. You wouldn't find any sign, and I've never seen it on any map. Years ago I asked a friend what the name of that little lake was--with all the lily pads and frogs and horsetails on it's banks, and they replied: "Well, Don, who knows? I think they must call it Lily Lake".

Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 3 will be available October 1
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 2
Donald Kinney Quarterly - volume 2014 issue 1


Anonymous said... the road shot.

AphotoAday said...

Thanks JOHN (SINBAD'S DAD) -- Yeah, that is quite a turn. There are 3 hairpins up there like that but that one is probably the most photogenic. I posted it on my Facebook page yesterday (((I like to run my photos up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes))) but it got a rather underwhelming number of "likes". I posted a similar shot several months ago on a FB group I used to belong to and that one went over a lot better. In any case, John, I guess you aren't a FB'er. Probably a good idea because of all the data mining that goes on. I've had a love-hate relationship with FB for a few years, but it comes in handy --have reconnected with several of my old school classmates recently. Great time waster too. In inordinate of foolishness to which I try to contribute to on a regular basis.

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