June 20, 2014

dunes at Abbott's Lagoon -- Point Reyes

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

With all the wind we've been having, I was hoping it had been carving deep and arty furrows into the gently sloped dunes near Abbott's Lagoon,

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

but they didn't look much different than normal, side-lit in afternoon sun.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

These coyotes, about 200 yards distant, were keeping a close eye on me. I'm guessing they were wondering what I might have been hunting.

Photographing Marin County - the exhibit - the book       


Anonymous said...

Looks a lot like the sand at Death Valley. Who needs to drive so far when it is right here to photograph, and who'd be the wiser?

AphotoAday said...

Well JOHN (SINBAD'S DAD) -- I've just been thinking about Death Valley… The dunes there are much more dramatic and chiseled, but catching them in a morning light is logistically difficult. Last time I was there I tried to arrive as early as possible, but it is a long drive in from Lone Pine, and the only other option is camping out nearby, and I'm not quite the camper I used to be. In any case, I definitely want to get to Bodie this year. I'm probably going to put the blog thing on hold during either August or September--haven't decided which. You aren't a Facebooker, are you, John? That's where I'll be posting my stuff while I'm gone and/or hiding out.

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