May 27, 2014

may she live long and prosper

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Okay, I've got to admit that SOME old codgers [like Donald Kinney] spend WAY too much time talking about the days when we could mail a first-class letter for 3 cents. But I SWEAR I remember the days when they charged 25 cents to get across the Golden Gate, collecting tolls in both directions.

These days, and probably not for long, I pay $6 which includes a $1 discount for using my Fas-Trak transponder, capable of sucking $6 out of my bank account in the blink-of-an-eye. Nary a toll-taker in sight. We are SO smart.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Breaking ALL rules of design, I am combining a color image with a black and white in this post. The black and white version of this just didn't seem to work.

Photographing Marin County - the exhibit - the book       

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last time I went across the Gate was soon after they put into effect the automatic system. I was in the wrong lane with money in hand and "pushed" on through with all the cars behind me not slowing down. I never paid, never heard from them and never went across since.

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