February 28, 2013

cemetery at Collinsville, California

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

AphotoAday is skipping tomorrow (Friday). I'll be back Saturday.

I'm sure most motorists would opt for instant teleportation, rather than suffer the 15 miles of apparent nothingness between Fairfield and Rio Vista. Perhaps even the 7 mile side trip to a one-horse town named Bird's Landing past enormous wind generators wouldn't raise their curiosity one iota. But lets keep going on this side road--eventually it will end in Collinsville, at the very base of the Sacramento River.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Not a whole lot of people are buried in the Collinsville Cemetery, but these folks were farmers and ranchers, and maybe even a merchant or two. Dry farming is a difficult proposition. Raising cattle and sheep probably isn't any easier. Who knows--maybe these people just worked themselves to death.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

So there it is, the end of the Sacramento River. The end of life. No regrets.

CLICK for 40 new photos on my "NEW" photo website.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am jumping ahead here but that banner photo to the left is stunning! Well done Donald.

Nancy Ewart said...

I am with Sinbad - that banner is absolutely stunning. Plus the photos of the Collinsville Cemetery makes the past just a little more real.

AphotoAday said...

Hi SINBAD'S DAD (JOHN) and NANCY -- Yeah, when I saw that I knew my buddy Jan Bell in Ohio would like it too. He did. It is right up his alley. Now, he is a guy who could print it up really nice, matt and frame it and actually SELL it. Just wishful thinking on my part. But then when you sell prints, there is taxes and the government, not to mention competition. Making a photograph at that point goes more from being creative expression to "what will sell". Deadly trap, IMHO.

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