October 10, 2012

Tioga Road, Yosemite N.P. -- final stop -- part 10 of 10

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

One of the benefits of being an old-fart is qualifying for a senior pass to the National Parks and Monuments. I picked mine up at San Francisco's Hyde Street Pier a while ago. The qualifying age is 62--I'm (ouch) 65 now. The cost was $10, but so far I have saved $90 in national park entrance fees. Finally, the Federal Government has done something of which I approve.

BUT, I certainly didn't approve of these two rock climbers scaling this steep cliff. It looked TERRIBLY dangerous and I feared for their safety. I nervously watched them, transfixed. SOMEONE had to stand by in order to summon help had they slipped.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Again, Tuolumne Meadows was a blast-from-the-past. As a kid my aunt and uncle and cousin my same age camped here, exploring the trails to Mt. Lyell, Waterwheel Falls, and Cloud's Rest. My imagination was once again inspired by the convoluted and artistic designs of Pondersoa Pines.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

This fly fisherman said he had managed to hook three Rainbow Trout. I told him I was having good fun snagging photos. On the right is Lembert Dome. The rock is porphyritic granite, a very strong form of granite. It has a tendency for cracking away (exfoliating) producing distinctive dome shapes.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Along Tioga Road I spotted this very pretty lake. The bonus was that although other areas along Tioga Road were packed with visitors I was the only person here. I tried to soak up as much solitude as I could.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The number of visitors to Yosemite has increased dramatically over recent years. People are as thick as are the blood-sucking mosquitos who must delight in the easy pickings. This time of year I did not even consider going into the Yosemite Valley itself. The crowds are thin, however, in Winter. I want to go back.

The entire trip was a great experience. Nice to be have been able to take you along on this whirlwind ten day adventure. Hope you had a good time.

CLICK for new slideshow on my "BIG" photo website.


Anonymous said...

I have avoided the Valley for far too long just because of the people plague you mentioned. Yet in May I did a brief few hour visit and haven't got it out of my mind since. So I am being brave and going to commit for a five day stay in a couple of weeks. Making the reservation online the $100 fee hurt looking at it, then I saw the option to enter my "old person" card number and the price was cut in half! I feel better about going now. Not sure if I can handle the winter cold but hope you do make the return as you say. We're not getting any younger - time is running out. Ya just gotta deal with the people. I know you must have more pictures to show and hope you do so in time.

AphotoAday said...

Oh boy, I know what you mean about not being able to take the cold of winter... $100 reservations? Hmmm... Oh, I remember the old days--just on the spur of the moment going to Yosemite with a lady-friend and actually being able to get a cabin at Camp Curry, no problem. Lord, are we getting old or what?

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