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photo by Donald Kinney

Ten points and a gold-star for the first person to guess the San Francisco location of the windows in the photo above...
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Oh how wonderful!
We are in a thick fog season here on the North East Coast, so no outdoor pics for a while, so I think I may do some experimenting with my camera.....some Black & White me thinks
Boy, you've got me on this one. Could be someplace down by City Hall but I think they are the wrong type of trees.
To answer your question on my blog. I don't know the name of the car but its an open air jallopy like the type you saw in movies with the racoon tail on the ariel (sp?)and a lowered front with an exposed engine. This one was full of chrome and even the steering wheel shaft was orange. It was one awesome car in the brilliant sunshine. I think it was from the early 40's.
O.K., I'll give the answer away now, because if Photowanabe Sue didn't get it, I don't think anyone else will...
They are the "piano keyboard" shaped windows on the Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco...
--And I bet you recognize them now...
I was thinking they might be fun to shoot sometime at night with people on the inside...
oh wow!!! since i 've never been to SFO i would not have known anyways ...but piano keyboard shaped windows sounds awesome..:)
I wouldn't have known either, but I like both of these shots.
The top one is neat to look at for the framing and the lines of the trees in the back pointing away from the main subject.
With all these photos, I feel like I am at a spa...
Wonderful Donald.
I believe I know the place. Should I go ahead and say it or let the others play a little longer?
Ooops.. Never mind, I just read the comments. Actually, I was thinking of another building on Market St. with windows shaped like that.
The light was incredible in SF today. Hope you got a chance to get some good shots :)
I thought of this building but I didn't remember you can see that kind of trees there...
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