September 19, 2013

"test of time" 19 of 30 - Redwood country, 1973

photo by Donald Kinney

So, by my mid-twenties I was busy searching out and finding many of the cool places the four of us Kinneys, years before, visited as a family.

Maybe I might have appreciated everything more as a kid if I actually had been given a purpose, other than that of being a brat. Alas, little Donald Kinney didn't lay hands on his first camera until the age 12 or so.

This was a very long exposure of 30 minutes (and a very small f-stop) at Roosevelt Grove in the Redwood Country of Northern California.
Again, with Polaroid Type52 4x5 sheet film.

CLICK for 40 photos on what I call my "big site";
CLICK for "Photographing Marin County"; my Marin County exhibit.

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