May 27, 2013

Tomales Bay -- fjord style fingerlet

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

The San Andreas Fault has created this long and narrow bay, about 30 miles north of San Francisco. This was once home to Indians, the Coast Miwok.

Sir Francis Drake is thought to have landed in nearby Drakes Estero in 1579. Members of the VizcaĆ­no Expedition found the Bay in 1603, and thinking it a river, named it Rio Grande de San Sebastian.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Tomales Bay, looking east from northern part of the Point Reyes peninsula.

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Anonymous said...

Both times I've seen that first picture my mind reads "Lunch For Hire"

Nancy Ewart said...

I love that photo of the old building on the pier - makes me think of what old California must have been like

under construction