August 20, 2012

zero-dark-thirty in the morning

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

"Calling Dr. Freud, calling Dr. Freud". "Please see the patient with Chronic Sunrise Obsession"...

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

We're looking east here, and the double peaked mountain is Mt. Diablo, which if my high-school Spanish still serves me correctly translates roughly as "Mountain of the Devil". Those lights are in Richmond, California, which holds the dubious title the 12th most violent and crime-ridden city in the United States.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney

Yet angelic clouds float over. Not another devilish human within miles.

CLICK for new slideshow on my "BIG" photo website.


Anonymous said...

"Zero-dark-thirty". You are the first one I have ever heard use that term, one that I picked up from a friend long ago. Only he said it as "O-dark-thirty" pronouncing it as the letter O.

AphotoAday said...

Hi SINBAD'S DAD (JOHN) -- Oh, just poetic license, I suppose... Zero sounds darker than "O", to me for some reason. Anyway, it was plenty dark this morning. I had to chase all over the county before I finally found some photos up on Mt. Tam. Are you on Facebook? Each day I try to do a "Hot out of the camera" post on FB. Today I snagged some nice steam coming off Alpine Lake -- I just finished putting it up on FB but it'll be on the blog soon.

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