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photo by Donald Kinney
I never actually get tired of shooting my beloved Lagunitas Creek, and there is a wealth of material to shoot, in different seasons and in different lights.

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photo by Donald Kinney
But I'm heading out on "vacation" for the entire month of September, starting tomorrow. I'm going to pretty much "wing" my trip, but first I plan to head down the coast of California. I owe Point Lobos a visit and it has been years since I've been through Big Sur. From there will come a long and boring stretch across California to the Owens Valley. First on my stop is the Alabama Hills, where the bouldered scenery of this area appeared in many of our childhood cowboy movies. From there it is Bristlecone Pine--last year a storm prevented me from reaching this destination. Death Valley is next along the way. From there, the Nevada border isn't far, and I plan to take a meander up Highway50; the loneliest highway in America. I do not plan to actually visit any brothels along the way (((my mother would be proud))) but I bet I'll come back with a couple snaps.

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photo by Donald Kinney
Sooooooooooooo, what are YOU doing to do for a whole month without me? Well, fear not -- I have scheduled 30 posts for the month of September that will feature not only one of my old photos, but "re-runs" of KittyBLOG in memory of my beloved cat who passed away a year or so ago. I banged-out KittyBLOG each morning for six or seven years--and always with Kitty on my lap, making typing as difficult as possible.

click photo for full-size image
photo by Donald Kinney
I'll be back on October 1, hopefully with a ton of new photos from my vacation adventure.
CLICK for new slideshow on my "BIG" photo website.